Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Guitar

Well as you know I did take violin and I quit that, then I took piano and quit that, and now I might have found an insrtument I like! I am now taking guitar lessons. We are also thinking about coming over to visit sometime soon so maybe I will bring my guitar.


Life Across the Pond said...

I can't believe your playing the guitar! That is the one instrument that I would love to play. Micah and I always talk about learning it together. If we did that he would pass me up pretty quick, he is a much quicker learner than I. Anyways, I am super excited for you!

Life Across the Pond said...

I forgot one thing. I really want to start emailing you but I don't have your address. Mine is You should email me and I will write you back or just let me know through your blog what your email is and we can by cyber pen pals!

Anna Le said...

Cool I think guitar is really fun, but it is a lot of work! My email address is I miss you guys! Write me soon!