Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joke Time!!!

During science my teacher told a joke and it was...
One day a detective was strolling through the crime scene and he said... " left leg in d-i-t-c-h and starts walking hmmm... he says right leg in d-i-t-c-h and walks hmmm... head in interstate i-n-t-o nope." so he crosses it out, then head in road r-o-o no no no." he crosses that out also " (kick) head in d-i-t-c-h.

this joke is so lame that it is funny lol!!!



Life Across the Pond said...

Hi Anna!! I just saw that you have a blog too! Aren't they fun? It is a great way to keep people up to date with what your up to. I love that more and more of my cousins have blogs so I can keep in touch. I think you should work on your mom and dad about making a trip over here after Vietnam. You could become quite the world traveler.

Anna Le said...

How are you? ya i think blogging is fun. i should get them to take us there to visit you guys i miss you! email me soon!